ShadowInk Designs X-Radio

So ya I did a thing – I got back into radio. My dear friend Silvey and Right-hand man from my Guild: “The Grove of Darkness” – told me I should do Grove Radio again. So I decided to test out my skills and try an X Radio show (ShadowInk Designs X-Radio). Now keep in mind this is just for entertainment purpose, however I bring that “radio guy” energy. Here I will compile the list of shows I’ve made each week. The visuals were coded with Unity and the background music was made in-house. If you want to know the content, then please listen to them. Enjoy!





gardenium terrarium for mobile


“As above, so below, discover the mysteries of the hollow”. Step into the world of Anthropia. Will you help the empires of the world, or destroy them? 4 different classes with unique stories, & 12+ party units to summon at the barracks. (Build an Empire, Custom Party, Deep character stories)

Lollipop Candy Land Unity Asset

Don’t stare too long at this asset or you might rot your teeth out!

Lollipop Candy Land offers an array of candy and dessert props all in 4K Ultra HD! Also comes with a demo scene suitable for a 3D candy world game.


• 25+ candy/dessert props

• 2K-4K Textures for almost every mesh

• URP support + Shadergraph support

• Prefabs included: Frozen Yogurt, Strawberry shortcake, Icecream Sandwich, Donut, Chocolate wafer bar, Icecream cone, Gingerbread House, Gumdrops, 3 types of Lollipops, Jellybeans

• **Water shader from trailer/screenshots not included (easy enough to choose your own)

Chakra Frequencies for Mobile

Chakra Frequencies was re-launched in 2023 with improvements to UI and more visuals. Also was made free as well on both iOS and Android. Chakra Frequencies PRO is about Enjoying a blend of custom music and visualizations for each Chakra, without the need of WiFi or Data. The Chakra Frequencies App is also designed to give people an app that has ALL the Solfeggio Frequencies into one app. These are RAW Hz frequencies for the 7 chakras mixed with beautiful music.


• 14+ Chakra songs, each with their own 3D/HD visuals
• Fullscreen 3D & HD visuals, for each chakra
• Play all chakra music and visuals at the same time (or separately)
• Play all frequencies alone, from 1-7
• Play all music in random order
• Play All chakra music from 1-7 & from 7-1
• Hide visuals (Battery saver mode)


You need to plugin the headphones or plug the phone/tablet into Stereo speakers, but make sure you always, ALWAYS turn OFF the equalizer so their is no distortion.

This goes for your phone/tablet as well, so never use these frequencies if your equalizer is on, to check: Go to your sound settings or multimedia settings and turn off all sound enhancement options that may cause distortion.

*Please send an email if you encounter any bugs.

chakra frequencies
chakra frequencies
chakra frequencies
chakra frequencies
chakra frequencies
chakra frequncies
Check out our Cybergothic T-Shirt

Book of Shadows Ultimate Re-Launched

This is the REAL 3D Book of Shadows Journal for Spiritualists and Pagans. Fully immersive 3D Book that you can customize. YOUR spells, herbs, crystals, etc. goes in here! Any general Ancient Esoteric info that is important to YOU is what’s in this book, because YOU will put it in! It is fully personal & customizable like a digital Book of Shadows should be. Also we named it Book of Shadows Ultimate since it’s the ultimate Pagan digital resource packed with plenty of info if you don’t want to write in it.

Your own BoS in full first person 3D, and so much more!.

Now back on iOS!

Get it On Google Play
Book of Shadows 3D
Book of Shadows 3D
Book of Shadows 3D
Book of Shadows 3D
Book of Shadows 3D
Book of Shadows 3D


Fully interactive 3D Book of Shadows
Each page of the book can have custom images
Add Pagan Emojis/Stickers to the book pages (also default phone emojis)
• Many maps called “realms” where you can hang out in first person and unlock new items
• Most realms are solstice related
• Interactive objects, some have a deep purpose, others are for entertainment
• You can load on app start into to your favorite “Realm”
• Pagan alter in the cave, that can be customized
• Achievements unlock new pagan items to use, like new book of shadows themes, stickers etc.
• Multiple fonts to choose from
• Book of Herbs – Database of herbs to refer too
• Book of Solstices – Database of the solstices in an interactive Solstice Wheel of the Year
• Book of Stickers – Unlock stickers for a BoS scrapbook and make your own Pagan wallpapers!
• Customize the portraits on the walls in the realms for more personalization

*Please send an email if you encounter any bugs or to request new features, we hope you enjoy the hard work put in to this app & Thank You!

Changes from 2.0.3 – 2.1.2

• Complete overhaul of App

• NEW FEATURE: You can now add pages to 9 different categories (Default Journal, Alchemy, Ancient, Astrology, Chakras, Crystal, Divination, Herb, Spell)

• More herbal images added to Book of Herbs

• Added a cancel button when editing in case you mess up(serves as a type of undo)

• Many UI fixes including the book pages and font layouts

• The book now conforms to any device screen size (any tablet or phone)

• Tutorial added to help users understand the realms better

• Many more custom user images added to each page

• 14 themes to choose from, some can be unlocked from exploring the cave realm, other can be purchased as DLC

• Complete graphics overhaul (so much shiny now!)

• BoS standard mode (2D) now phased out, only 3D version is active

• New Feature: Customize the portraits in the cave with 16 new amazing Pagan art images(just touch the portraits to change them)

• New Feature: Added the ability to customize the Table of Contents Pentacle Image on the right page (Touch the pentacle to change it)

• New Feature: Book of Solstices, a fully interactive Wheel of the Year so you can keep track of each Solstice details and brush up if you forget.

• Added new items to the shop

• Fixed Book of Solstices layout so menu button is visible

• New Feature: Customize the portraits in the cave with 16 new amazing Pagan art images(just touch the portraits to change them)

• New Feature: Added the ability to customize the Table of Contents Pentacle Image on the right page (Touch the pentacle to change it)

• New Feature: Book of Solstices, a fully interactive Wheel of the Year so you can keep track of each Solstice details and brush up if you forget.

• Added new items to the shop

• New feature: Pin your favorite or most important pages to the top of the book Table of Contents

• New feature: An ink quill writing animation occurs when you hit save

• Added more music to the music player

• New Feature: You can now add custom images from the web

• New Feature: Touch effect appears inside the book, on touch

• New Feature: You can now add custom images from the web

• New Feature: Touch effect appears inside the book, on touch

• Bug Fix: Entering Stonehenge no loner freezes

Book of Shadows 3D
Book of Shadows 3D – Table of Contents
Book of Shadows 3D
Book of Shadows 3D – Pages

CHECK OUT Crescent Hollow Action RPG Builder on Steam

Update 1.0.1 Achievements and Bug Fixes

As our ongoing commitment to our first VR game release, we have added Achievements and bug fixes for Volcanic Stage 5 and 6. We can assure players this is only the beginning of awesome updates to come. Our goal wasn’t just – “release a VR game and be done with it”, but to add content and improvements for as long as possible.

We are looking forward to any content ideas from players that would make Duel Jousting VR better, and constructive criticism is very welcomed. Please stay up to date on the game website or the Steam forums for the latest news and content updates.

Duel Jousting VR – Get it on Steam

Duel Jousting VR – Fast paced Dragon Jousting in multiple maps and settings. Use an arsenal of up to 7 weapons to crush your enemies. Do you have what it takes to become the ultimate Dragon Jouster in VR?


  • Full action combat on the back of a dragon
  • 7 weapons to choose from in the shop (Default Lance, Super Lance, Golden Lance, Magic Wand, Dual Wield, Bow and Arrow, Shield, Dragons Breath)
  • A Great shop with 22+ items to purchase and help your journey
  • Battle from the volcanic lands map, to the Jungle, to the Arena!
  • The “Arena Mode” allows the player total freedom of the dragon jouster as you fight waves of enemies
  • Change your dragons skin, hand skin, and armor in the customizer
  • Play multiple minigames that require you to stand or sit depending on the minigame
  • Enjoy a number of powerups that drop from the sky to help you in battle, also unlock more in the shop

News about upcoming Update 1.1.4: Prologues

We wanted to take the time to showcase the next update so people know the game development is coming along despite this crazy world we live in. Update 1.1.4 will be a major and important update since it will finally cover all the bases with the four classes prologues and fill in all the gaps. This means all four characters will do all the prologue boss fights, and complete their prologue entirely then move onto chapter 2. This will be many hours of gameplay if you play all four characters, each character has a different amount of time it takes to get to the chapter 2 main quest start point.

The overworld map is getting a bit of an overhaul as new naval ships will fill the oceans giving more immersion to the oceanic experience. Enemy combat will now feature battle music when you come near an enemy. We plan on adding a simple tutorial that shows how to use the controls, nothing to advanced but it should get the point across for new players. Naturally their will be new bind points around the map (your respawn point) since the prologues will be complete. Elderium Empire will get an Inn and a pub combined as a tavern.

Banana trees are coming that will allow you to make banana bread and banana pie. Any new info on the next update will be added as a part 2 so keep an eye out for that. Below is a collection of images and GIF’S to show you where we are at right now with development:

Crescent Hollow RPG Update 1.1.3

Alchemy improved, Walk and combat animations improved, new inventory database.

Be sure to check out our new wallpapers recently added:


New foods will have to be pushed back to a future update, but you can expect some good changes so far:



• Alchemy crafting and Alchemy shop now have new potions available and new effects
• Improved walk, attack and harvest animations for all 4 playable characters
• Inventory and powers now hooked into a new database so going forward we will be able to balance things very fast


• Main menu now auto adjusts your resolution properly
• Hunger system regen amount given when you eat food now works proper