Devlog: Gardenium Terrarium

Here are the latest updates for Gardenium Terrarium:

Whats new in 1.1.5:


• Camera mode (Switch camera to top down, first person and default (Side cam)
• Water bar is now available when you touch a built plant, if the bar is at 0 then you need to water it
• Tutorial added for beginner players
• Plant preview system in place (once you build a plant in the terrarium it now shows up in the main menu)
• Graphics settings upgraded to Low, Medium, High, Very High, and Ultra (*Important: Very High and Ultra turn on ultra HD screen effects, ONLY FOR HIGH END PHONES)


• Bug fix for fertilizer system when growth timer almost 0 then fertilizing would need to be done twice
• Bug fix for timers not resetting properly when a plant was deleted
• Fixes to the GUI item controller, rewards window

Whats new in 1.1.3+ 1.1.4

• The delete system bugs should be fixed now
• The save system reworked for the last time to ensure that data cannot be exploited
• Ad system in place

What’s New in 1.1.2:
• Props pack #1 added (Music Player where you can stream special songs from, buildings, lights, Lilly pond, fountain, well, etc.)

• Main menu upgrades
• UI Fixes (Bigger back buttons, larger text in some areas, shop layout fixes)
• More fixes to the delete system
• Save system reconfigured

What’s New in 1.1.1
• Stones are now stackable again
• Rotate is a bit slower
• Challenges system fixes
• Moss can no longer be built onto crystals

What’s New in 1.1.0:

• Daily Reward system added (gives reward every 12 hours for a limited time)

• Bug Invasions system is now complete, bugs will invade the Terrarium every 5 minutes and will spawn at random. If they eat your plant then it will disappear forever (you lose a seed) Kill one with bug spray and get +10 Golden Seeds

• Move button should now work as intended

• Level up, premium item, SFX added

Version 1.0.9:

• New and improved build mode/place item menu
• You can now rotate with two fingers while placing item (rotate buttons removed)
• Fireflies now save the amounts placed
• Delete button works as intended
• Item controller menu now disappears if pressed while pressing the item tabs at the bottom of the screen
• Improvements to the sphere and fish-bowl containers
• Improvements to the saving system and how it is handled


• Camera now moves up when you approach a part of the terrain that is higher than the camera
• Shop UI fixes for newer phones such as the Galaxy S10
• Added a new song to the music mix
• You can now toggle the music off in settings
• Added a few polished icons


Fixes to timers for succulent 6-8
– Fixes to the leveling system
– The in-game store now has a special icon


All succulent animations completed
– All Terrarium container customization’s now save/load and can be bought from the in-game “store”
– All firefly colors have been added


Challenge system added to help with progression (you can find the challenges icon in the main menu)
– Rotation buttons should work as intended now positions


– Level up system completed, you now get rewarded 150 golden seeds every 1000 exp – Fireflies will respawn to the center of map if they go too far – More moss added


– Fixes to water notifications
– Fixes to Ui for Galaxy S10’s
– Moss added
– Main menu now has an update button in settings as a reminder to update
– Water SFX added
– Fireflies save/load positions


Refer to the games webpage for more info:

Gardenium Terrarium for iPhone and Android

Grow beautiful 3D succulents and plants in your own magical terrarium. Watch them grow in almost real-time, each plant animates over time as it grows. Water them, fertilize them, and protect them from bug invasions! Things like fireflies and amazing props allow for very exciting and detailed customization. This game is in Early Access, but development is moving along quite nicely. With the players help we can shape the game into the best Terrarium game on mobile! The game features custom artwork, sound effects and music.

Future content will add many new items to build as well as new biomes/environments to add to your Terrariums!


• Grow succulents and plants that grow over time and are fully animated in HD

• Watering the plants as much as you can gives you many rewards and Experience points to level up with

• Build your terrarium the way you want with sticks, stones, moss, and more

• Place fun things like fireflies and many more amazing objects with future updates

• Choose your Terrarium container

• Buy new items and plants at the in-game store

Book of Shadows for iPhone

This is the REAL 3D/2D Book of Shadows Journal for Pagans. YOUR spells, herbs, etc. goes in here! Any general Ancient Esoteric info that’s important to YOU is what is in this book, because YOU will put it in! It is fully personal & customizable like a digital Book of Shadows should be. Originally created in 2010, and has undergone many revisions and updates

The Book of Shadows Ultimate.

Step into a full 3D Pagan virtual world!


• Fully interactive Book of Shadows Journal in 3D!!!

• Add text and images to the book pages

• 10 Book themes to customize your own book of shadows

• Choose from a list of pagan related images in the book

• Each book has its own what is called “Realm” for its own look and feel

• Interactive Pagan objects (Book,candles, etc)

• Book of stickers – place stickers you unlock into a book with customization, then make a wallpaper out of them(Located inside the Book mode)

• Pagan alters (Build Mode), Move many pagan objects around and save them the way you want them to be set.

Get it on the App Store for $4.99.

Starship Live Wallpaper

Become a Galactic Citizen with your very own starship/spaceship in full 3D!


– Fully animated and interactive Galactic Map

– Holodeck, ya a holodeck!

– Deep space detail

– Window mode (stare out the window at the amazing universe)

– Turn the ceiling off to enjoy the stars above

– Shooting stars, twinkling stars

– Right door opens on touch

– Sound on touch: door & central computer panels

– Adjust the lighting inside the ship

– Rotate Galactic map

Email possible bugs to:

Alchemy Live Wallpaper


Full 3D Alchemy table on your home screen! Customize all glass bottles/alembics.

  • Mortar & Pestle, and other objects can be toggled
  • Animated Alchemy table in 3D
  • Customizable colors for almost every object
  • Alchemy Live Wallpaper designed for a fully customizable table of Alchemy tools.
  • Retort liquids can be turned on, and color customized
  • Retort color customization
  • Retort brew color customization
  • Essence color customization

Book of Shadows for Android

This is the REAL 3D/2D Book of Shadows Journal for Pagans. YOUR spells, herbs, etc. goes in here! Any general Ancient Esoteric info that is important to YOU is what is in this book, because YOU will put it in! It is fully personal & customizable like a digital Book of Shadows should be. Originally created in 2010, and has undergone many revisions and updates.

The Book of Shadows consists of 2 main parts:

1st: Ultimate Mode, your own BoS in full first person 3D, and so much more!.

2nd: Standard Mode, personal digital pagan journal in 2D.

ULTIMATE Features:

• *Fully interactive Book of Shadows in First Person 3D!!!
• BoS Ultimate has the ability to add images to the book (Paste an image link into pages)
• Each book has its own what is called “realm” for its own look and feel
• Most realms are solstice related
• Interactive objects, some have a deep purpose, others are for entertainment
• You can save/load into to your favorite Pagan “Realm” with advanced options
• Pagan alter in the cave, that can be customized
• Achievements unlock new pagan items to use, like new book of shadows themes, stickers etc.

STANDARD Features:

• Read/write pages to your own mobile Pagan journal

• Set your name in the book

• Customize the book with very detailed custom HD themes & fonts

• Add as many pages as your phone can hold & save to SD card, then categorize each page to keep things organized You can easily make any section you see fit example: Herbs, Crystals, Spells, Charms, Runes etc. Its your choice, its your book!

• Works with both landscape & portrait orientation to feel like a real book

• Shortcuts to pages on your home screen

• Save to SD card, open from SD card

Book of Shadows Screen 1
Book of Shadows Screen 1
Book of Shadows Screen 1
Book of Shadows Screen 1
Book of Shadows Screen 1
Book of Shadows Screen 1
Get it on Google Play

Chakra Frequencies for Android


Chakra Frequencies for Android is about enjoying a blend of custom meditation music and visualizations for each Chakra, without the need of WiFi or Data. The Chakra Frequencies App is also designed to give people an app that has ALL the Solfeggio Frequencies into one app. These are RAW Hz frequencies for the 7 chakras mixed with beautiful music.

The music was created with dedication and love by the composer: Maritza Santana, who has created 3 Chakra Frequencies albums so far. The app was originally created in 2012, and has gone through many changes and released on every major platform. If you would like more of this type of app then please check out the sequel to Chakra Frequencies – The Chakra Experience for iPhone. Below is a link to the detailed webpage showcasing the app.


You need to plugin the headphones or plug the phone/tablet into Stereo speakers, but make sure you always, ALWAYS turn OFF the equalizer so their is no distortion.

This goes for your phone/tablet as well, so never use these frequencies if your equalizer is on, to check: Go to your sound settings or multimedia settings and turn off all sound enhancement options that may cause distortion.


• 14+ Chakra songs, each with their own 3D/HD visuals
• Fullscreen 3D & HD visuals, for each chakra
• Play all chakra music and visuals at the same time (or separately)
• Play all frequencies alone, from 1-7
• Play all music in random order
• Play All chakra music from 1-7 & from 7-1
• Hide visuals (Battery saver mode)


Chakra Frequencies Promo Image
Chakra Frequencies Promo Image
Chakra Frequencies Promo Image


Retro Game Monsters Wallpaper

Video Game Bosses & Monsters for you to choose from and customize. Get that feel from your childhood of fighting a nasty game boss. This Live Wallpaper features side scrolling game bosses, and RPG monsters and bosses.


• 9 Bosses
• 8 Background
• Animated boss movement
• Boss Monster can fire an attack at you straight toward the screen (This power can be customized to different spells, energy, etc.)